Unite the People 2ru Heritage

Opportunities 2 Leverage Diversity Dividends 4 Nigeria.

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Creating Youth-led

Opportunities to Strengthen National Unity and Accelerate National Transformation.

Nigeria's large, youthful population is a significant asset that can drive national unity and transformation if strategically harnessed. With six out of every ten Nigerians under 25 years of age, the country has a vast pool of human capital that can contribute to its development.

The youth can act as bridges between different ethnic, religious, and regional groups in Nigeria. Engaging youth in nation-building activities, promoting inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue, and encouraging participation can foster a sense of national identity and unity.

They are also the driving force behind the adoption of digital technologies, which can transform various sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and finance. By leveraging technology, Nigerian youth can solve local problems and create new opportunities, contributing to national transformation.

Nigeria's youth population is incredibly diverse, representing the country's rich ethnic, religious, and cultural tapestry. Leveraging this diversity can foster greater understanding, tolerance, and unity among different groups, ultimately strengthening the social fabric of the nation. With their sheer numbers, Nigerian youth have the potential to be a powerful political and social force. By organizing and mobilizing, they can influence decision-making processes and hold leaders accountable, driving positive change.

UPHOLDD Nigeria Impact Goals